Found this hilarious card deck by Norman Lamont , through, a KM blog from Juan Suarez. Already 2 years old, and still very actual ! Arnold. New technology – the threat to our information View more presentations from normanlamont.
Category: WEB2.0
Always online
A nice Dilbert comic on the “only online” syndrome, that some people are suffering from …. hopefully, in the near future, we’ll find a cure for that 😉 Arnold
Watch this video: very nice visualisation, AND good content ! Arnold
Does one size fits all?
A blogpost of Dave Snowden about WEB2.0 tools and the danger of going for a “one-size fits all” solution like Sharepoint is.He pleads for “contextually appropriate solutions” ! Arnold.
When starting to use Twitter, you often see a lot of Tweets that contain acronyms starting with a “#”.These are called hashtags … this site allows users to explain their meaning.Anybody can define his own hashtag, and as such, this site becomes a dictionary of hashtags. The nifty thing about these hashtags is that:1/ they […]
Vergroot wiki adoptie – Frankwatching, is a Dutch blogpost from Lex Slaghuis describing some thoughts on improving the adoption of a WIKI in a business environment.At a certain point, he brings in Sharepoint, and he doubts the capabilities of Sharepoint’s WIKI implementation. Arnold.
Mauro Cardarelli : SharePoint Adoption — the Netflix Effect Mauro is suggesting for a pragmatic introduction of Sharepoint: start small, and grow while learning. Arnold.
The Machine is Us/ing UsA wonderful video about Web2.0, perhaps a little bit technical, but very nice visualisation ! Arnold
SharePoint 2007: Gateway Drug to Enterprise Social Tools :: Personal InfoCloud A blogpost which is less in favor of Sharepoint! Arnold.
Using Twitter in the Enterprise
Using Twitter in the Enterprise is another very nice overview (on SlideShare: don’t forget to go to full screen view!) of possible uses of Twitter (found (again) through the site of Luis Suarez) Arnold.