Below, a very interesting post about how one could unlock tacit knowledge (= the knowledge that is ‘locked’ within people (their experiences, skills, insights and judgements … locked in their brains). AKA: you don’t know what you know 🙂 Read the full post here
Category: knowledge_management
Een post van Seth Godin, iemand wiens blog ik al volg … en die veel interessants te vertellen heeft 🙂 Deze gaat over het maken van een audio opname waarin je je bekommernissen, ergernissen, ervaringen, hoop, …. over een bepaald thema, project, … beschrijft. Zodat je hier later kunt op terugvallen, als de nood het […]
Found this hilarious card deck by Norman Lamont , through, a KM blog from Juan Suarez. Already 2 years old, and still very actual ! Arnold. New technology – the threat to our information View more presentations from normanlamont.
A very nice, and short, (video) explanation from Nick Milton (Knoco Ltd). Worth watching ! arnold
A good post about the difficulty an expert has to explain (learn) something to a novice. Arnold.
Vergroot wiki adoptie – Frankwatching, is a Dutch blogpost from Lex Slaghuis describing some thoughts on improving the adoption of a WIKI in a business environment.At a certain point, he brings in Sharepoint, and he doubts the capabilities of Sharepoint’s WIKI implementation. Arnold.
Mauro Cardarelli : SharePoint Adoption — the Netflix Effect Mauro is suggesting for a pragmatic introduction of Sharepoint: start small, and grow while learning. Arnold.
SharePoint 2007: Gateway Drug to Enterprise Social Tools :: Personal InfoCloud A blogpost which is less in favor of Sharepoint! Arnold.
Lost Generation
YouTube – Lost Generation Wow, this is awesome: just keep up watching till the end !!!!thanks to Luis Suarez (and his blog) Arnold
From a blogpost at Design of Knowledge: I think that Bill Brantley is right! Storytelling is a great way to teach, and WEB2.0 tools are a great way to collaborate.The two together could indeed spark some interesting new ways of doing things?Because, on lots of occasions, we see stories happening, but we lack the time […]